Physical Days 2020:
Victor Rottier
› physicaldaysbern
Brückenpfeiler Bern
Dalmaziquai 69, 3005 Bern
Daten und Zeiten/dates and times
10:00–16:00 täglich/daily
(Barzahlung am Anfang des Workshops/cash payment at the beginning of the workshop)
160 CHF
› Anmeldung/registration
› Physical Days Bern
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Physical Days Bern
Physical Days 2020
Liebe Tanzfreunde
Leider hat Luke Jessop unverhofft den Workshop in Bern absagen müssen, er wird aber ein anderes Mal kommen. Ich habe jedoch einen tollen Erstatz für ihn gefunden: Victor Rottier aus Holland. Hier die Informationen über Victor. Ich hoffe, ihr kommt alle zahlreich an die Physical Days Bern, an den Workshop von Victor Rottier.
Dear dance friends
Unfortunately, Luke Jessop unexpectedly had to cancel the workshop in Bern, but he will come another time. But I found a great substitute for him: Victor Rottier from the Netherlands. Here are the informations about Victor. I hope you all come numberous to the Physical Days Bern at the workshop of Victor Rottier.
Workshop description: Bringing together my experience as a contemporary dancer and some principles from urban styles, I am dedicated to establishing a relationship to musicality, rhythm and coordination.
By making the body available we will explore ways to efficiently approach movement. Challenging your ways of attacking movement by focusing on how to distribute power. We will apply these principles within set material and improsational structures.
We will swipe through the floor, get up and own the space, sweat and trample on boundaries in this 2 day playground.